

Donde el ESPIRITU DE DIOS esta, alli hay LIBERTAD! Si el Espiritu de Dios esta en Ti, en TI hay Libertad! ERES LIBRE! LAS CADENAS FUERON ROTAS! Es tiempo de caminar con nuestra mirada puesta en JESUCRISTO y trabajar juntamente con EL! Escrito esta: "El Espíritu del SEÑOR Soberano está sobre mí, porque el SEÑOR me ha ungido para llevar buenas noticias a los pobres. Me ha enviado para consolar a los de corazón quebrantado y a proclamar que los cautivos serán liberados y que los prisioneros serán puestos en libertad. 2 Él me ha enviado para anunciar a los que se lamentan que ha llegado el tiempo del favor del SEÑOR" Isaias 61:1-2 Y con esta nueva libertad podemos ir a EVANGELIZAR a nuestros amigos y familiares perdidos! Unete a nuestro equipo y aprenderas a evangelizar con amor y SIN TEMOR! Si quieres mas informacion escribenos al correo electronico -
BE FREE FROM RESENTMENT Are you a child of divorced parents? Have you felt someone’s hate towards you? Do you remember the past with pain in your heart? Has someone hurt you? Is there someone you have NOT been able to forgive? Why all these questions you may wonder….. First let me give you scriptures: Ephesians 4:26, 30-32 Proverbs 20:22 and 29:11 James 1:19 Now the questions, if someone has hurt you, be it your parents or someone else and you find yourself saying I will forgive, but I will NOT forget, than you have not really forgiven the problem with unforgiveness is that it is like a seed that is planted and it grows in a horrible thing called resentment, sorrow, bitterness, these things are keys that give the enemy power over us, when God forgives us He does not keep reminding us of the past he erases all sin from us, no memory of how or what we did in the past remains for Him, and he asks the same of us, once we are able to forgive and truly let go of the anger and let G

Family Movie Night: Standing Firm

This past Saturday c2C and PG got together to raise some funds for the upcoming Encounter 2011 trip, and I must say it was a very nice evening. We had great food, a wonderful movie and the company of each other and our families! Car wash anyone? Prophetic Generation hard at work.... Prophetic Generation and c2C working together and in all things we do giving glory always to God almighty!      Philippians 2:1-4 If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

c2C We have been busy these past few months

Soon there will be more updates, but so far here are some things learned, more will be added, we have covered soo much in past few months, but i'll do my best to update.                                               La Alabanza La Alabanza detiene el avance de la maldad (Salmo 7:14-17) La Alabanza enfatiza a Dios y nos hace brillar con gozo (Salmo 18:3) Con nuestra Alabanza centramos nuestra atencion a Dios La Alabanza es el camino hacia la presencia de Dios es un pasaporte a Dios, EL habita en la adoracion y nos acerca a la presencia de Dios y tambien nos edifica (Salmo 22:34) from: May 17, 2011  We learned a different meaning for, PUSH, PRAY, ASAP AND FEAR PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens! PRAY: Praise Repeat Ask Yield. ASAP: Always Say A Prayer. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. And one more, PRAYER: Positive Reassuring Accions Yielding Eternal Results. May 21st, 2011 THE RIGHT WAY TO PRAY Primero tenemos que recordar que, todas las cargas que el ene

"Misericordia - Mercy" and Johanna's Birthday Party

Last Saturday, November 6, 2010 c2C meeting was held in our new friends and c2c members, Kelvin and Johanna Peña house. We were delighted to have been invited to their lovely home to not only have our regular meeting but to celebrate a very special occasion, Johanna’s birthday ! We had a wonderful time full of laughter and joy. First we started off with a powerful prayer and then followed by the word of God. The topic: Mercy in spanish: MISERICORDIA A good way to understand the meaning of mercy is to see how it relates to grace: 1. Mercy--not getting what you do deserve / withheld punishment 2. Grace--getting what you don't deserve / unmerited favor I found this example: • Mercy is like a judge finding you guilty, but then withholding any punishment. Grace is getting something you could never have imagined. An inexplicable gift. It's like the same judge awarding you $10,000,000.00, after finding you guilty! • In this sense, mercy can be thought of as the opposite of grace, or

c2C joins PG for their annual iGlow 2010 Event!

iGlow this year was held on October 30, 2010 from 3:00pm to 10:00pm . Its a time to spend it with your family and friends. The kids played games as the adults enjoyed the Talent Show. We discovered many talents that had been hidden for years! Some rode ponies while others bounced their night away! Burgers, Choripanes, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Corn on the Cob and much more was in the days menu. The night was closed with a concert that gave all the glory to God! Here are a few pics for you to enjoy: